ACRA SEMPA ACRIA (Akrotiri is Always Ready)Keo

RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour

Picture: HawkerDrive_1981.JPG



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Mike Neal (23 Oct 2021)
Nick McDemott, this is definately 6 Hawker Drive, that is my wife and son in the picture which I took myself!

Nick McDermott (25 May 2021)
I don't think this is number 6, as it was on the left side of a semi looking from the road, and this is the right hand side. Also the only indent (where the red car is parked) on Hawker Drive was between numbers 12 and 14, so I suspect this is number 12 on Hawker drive.

Mike Neal (04 May 2021)
This MQ is actually 6 Hawker Drive and was my MQ from 1980 to 1982, the people in this photo are my wife and my youngest son. I loved living in this MQ not least because not 30 yards behind the house was a terrific view of the Mediterranean! Happy memories of our time at RAF Akrotiri which as a ?pongo? I didn?t find too enerous!

RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour