ACRA SEMPA ACRIA (Akrotiri is Always Ready)Keo

RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour

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Tags in this picture: Linda Grisdale.

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william grisdale (01 Oct 2022)
Ladies Mile beach where we went every other weekend, Ted next door would take us if dad was on duty, in his white VW camper (sliding door open all the way. Buttons Bay I was just tall enough to have my chin out of the water and follow the white track to the little island. Happy Valley to watch my brother Kevin Grisdale playing football, he was slightly older.

william grisdale (01 Oct 2022)
I can remember the youth club as it had a giant scalextric inside which ran races We went for our morning swimming lessons in the sea near the sailing club.I also remember the monsoon ditches we played in along with giant ant's.

william grisdale (01 Oct 2022)
This is sometime between 1970 / 74 the one in black on the right is my sister Linda Grisdale, my dad Bill Grisdale (Chief Tech) was stationed at RAF Akrotiri.

Grahame Rogers (06 Feb 2018)
I lived at 30 Princes Street with my parents, the tornado went through our house. Did you go on any of the bus trips to famagusta or Kyrenia

SANDRA MOODY (13 Jul 2017)
We arrived in Cyprus in the blazing heat of July. I was 8 years old. My Dad was Jim (Richard) Moody (sadly died May 2017). My Sister, Carolyn and Brother, David have such amazing memories of Cyprus. I was in a hut at a Christmas party when the tornado struck and knew nothing about what had happened! My Mum and Brother were standing outside our house, in Regent Street, watching it! I remember when all the school choirs got together and sang at Curium, which we later heard on the radio. I was in the brownies and remember the Jamboree, again everyone from all over Cyprus gathered there. Does anyone else remember the Tweeny Club? This was for kids too young to go to the youth club. Great times. Someone mentioned the Royal Oak, we went up there with the Brownies, a scary journey in a bus around those hair pin bends. We spent so many happy times swimming at Buttons Bay, Ladies Mile and the Mole. I hated it when we had to come home. I have visted many times since but Cyprus has changed so much as is so built up. Despite this, I still love it. Carolyn goes over most years. David lives in America now. He writes books and seems to get something about Cyprus in most of them!

RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour