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RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour

An organised archive of lots of pictures of RAF Akrotiri, including St. Johns, Episkopi and other places of interest

2361 pictures and counting!

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Jules Newton (07 Jan 2025)
I'm in that picture. Such a great bunch of people there during my tour from Sept 87 to Sept 89. Worked in GEF and the Gas Plant.
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Jock & Rita Tennent  (19 Dec 2024 14:00)
1982 - 1985, we lived at 17 Harding Avenue for the full 3 x years, and our daughter attended the Akrotiri Playgroup, picked up by the bus daily. I was in the Fire Service at the time, and I have to say that in the 12.5 years of service, Akrotiri was the best posting. One of guys called Dougie Fleming (RIP), managed to get 3 x tours in at Akrotiri, before he was sadly taken from us in a fatal traffic accident.
At the time we lived in Harding Avenue, many of our Army neighbours were from No1 Royal Tank Regiment, and the Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders. What a fantastic posting at the time.

Liz Godfrey (25 Sep 2024)
Johnny Button was my uncle!!
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Max Wall (15 Sep 2024)
Steve and Andre Dixon
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Chris Jackson (01 Sep 2024)
I remember this area from when I was about 8 years old, I spent two three year postings here.
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Elinor (29 Aug 2024)
I?ve been told that as my late husband served in the armed forces I may be eligible to play golf at your course. I?m planning an initial visit the first week in November with a view to spending a month in Cyprus and I would like to play golf. Could you advise please.
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Steve Lodge  (15 Aug 2024 12:59)
As a founder member of the Tadpoles in 1971 I often wonder what happened to the Club records from that time. I know the pool is now demolished and the swim club relocated to the new camp pool but did the record books follow?

Stephen Smith (26 Jul 2024)
I think it's quite difficult to get onto the base now. Your best best is to ask the question on one of the Facebook groups like "I lived on Akrotiri RAF Base".
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Paula Heath (22 Jul 2024)
We used to live here when I was 3!!

Hoping to visit, do we have to make an appointment?
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Stephen Smith (12 Jul 2024)
This will be 87-89. I'm the one stood in the middle with yellow and green shorts.
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All information correct as of 1988. Many of these pictures have been copied from the web. All copyrights are fully acknowledged. If you have any pictures you'd like to share, email them to Many thanks to Clare Mallon for sending in some pictures.

Stellar Forces Turn-based strategy | Rudeness Rulez!, a kids fun card game | Overblown, a split-screen multiplayer FPS |
Created by Stephen Smith (
RAF Akrotiri Virtual Tour